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There are many conflicting and misleading ocular product claims. mEYEspa blogs are written by clinic-based eye care professionals with years of patient care.
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Can Glaucoma cause Dry Eyes?
If you are currently using standard glaucoma medications then there is a very good chance that you also have dry eye issues. What can you do?
Dangerous Fake Medication. Are my Eye Drops & Eye Vitamins Authentic?
Fake or counterfeit eye-related products such as eye drops and vitamins are a relatively new phenomenon. This is dangerous not only because the content is now unknown but patients that are not receiving a proper supplement will have increased risk of vision loss. Imitation product creeps into the market though three channels... Read more
#1 Reason Why Dry Eye Treatments Fail
I have been seeing patients for eye care for 25 years. Over that time there has been much more formal definition and diagnostics for dry eye... there have been many new innovative products to treat dry eye...
Gritchy Eyes?
A recent patient of mine came up with this perfect description for the way her eyelids felt... Gritchy.
What did she mean and what causes this?
Do you blink to clear?
I suggest that clinically I see many patients mis-attribute transient screen blur to their glasses. This is most likely dry eye and counseling on drop use is usually met with some skepticism!
Reasons for Digital Eye Strain: Blue Light?
Dry Eyes with CPAP use?
If you use a CPAP machine then you likely have experienced 'CPAP dry eye'. The common symptomology is patients with scratchy, irritated eyes on waking if mask fit is not perfect or a nighttime shift occurs.
CPAP dry eye is not a real 'diagnosis'... but certainly is a common clinical observation. Find out more...