The Basics - Digital Eye Strain - mEYEspa at Studio Eye Care

The Basics - Digital Eye Strain - mEYEspa at Studio Eye Care

meyespa iris  When we use a computer, tablet or smart phone for an extended period, many of us experience digital eye strain. There are several reasons why this occurs including:  MORE

Reasons for Digital Eye Strain: Sustained Focus

meyespa iris Our eyes work very much the same way as camera with a flexible lens in the eye changing shape to create clarity.   If you do.. or do not wear glasses at all, there are options to relax your eyes.  MORE

Reasons for Digital Eye Strain: Back Lit Screens

meyespa iris  Hippus?   What the heck is hippus and why can it make my eyes tired?


Reasons for Digital Eye Strain: Posture & Ergonomics

meyespa iris  Close or elevated working distance create challenges for us.  Beyond just eyestrain, neck pain is a common issue related to progressive lenses  MORE

Reasons for Digital Eye Strain: Improper prescription

meyespa iris  Is your prescription up-to-date and set properly for your working distance?  You would be surprised how many folks do not consider this!  MORE

Reasons for Digital Eye Strain: Ocular misalignment

meyespa iris   A very basic test for alignment issues… stare at the logo below and alternate covering one eye and then the other.   If the asterisk shifts at all up/down or significantly right/left you should see your optometrist.  To TEST - MORE

Reasons for Digital Eye Strain: Dryness & Ocular Surface Issues

meyespa iris  One of the most impactful things that you can do to stabilize vision and reduce digital eye dryness issues is use non-preserved rewetting eye drops formulated for evaporative issues  MORE