i-vu Omega 3

What is the most potent Omega 3 that we have found?

Find a convenient table that contrasts various mEYEspa Omega 3 options and costs to get Dr. Morris' minimum therapeutic recommendation for Dry Eye management

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March 20, 2024 — Jason Morris
Tags: DryEye
Dry Eye?  But my eyes tear constantly!

Dry Eye? But my eyes tear constantly!

Between you and I, let's rename 'Dry Eye'.  It is a poor umbrella term that encompasses many different ocular surface and corneal issues. 

What should we call it??

January 03, 2024 — Jason Morris
Tags: DryEye
Confusing Omega 3's. Ignore capsule size!

Confusing Omega 3's. Ignore capsule size!

How much Omega 3 should I take for dry eye?

Simple question but the answer is a bit complex.  Omega 3 supplements vary widely in their potency.

Find out how much DHA + EPA that you need for Dry Eye treatment...

December 15, 2021 — Jason Morris
Tags: DryEye
Dry Eyes with CPAP use?

Dry Eyes with CPAP use?

If you use a CPAP machine then you likely have experienced 'CPAP dry eye'.  The common symptomology is patients with scratchy, irritated eyes on waking if mask fit is not perfect or a nighttime shift occurs.

CPAP dry eye is not a real 'diagnosis'... but certainly is a common clinical observation.   Find out more...

December 14, 2021 — Jason Morris
Tags: DryEye
Eye Lid Swiss Army Knife Award

Eye Lid Swiss Army Knife Award

As a 26 year primary care optometry veteran, my vote for the Swiss Army knife of eye lid care is the Bruder mask.

Find out why...

December 14, 2021 — Jason Morris